View All Schooling Publications
Research on student education and learning outcomes, and student engagement and behaviour.…
Research on learning support services, evaluations of learning support programmes, student safety and student wellbeing.…
Research on teachers/kaiako, principals, teacher aides, and other school professionals. Includes research on specific programmes, such as Teacher Led Innovation Fund (TLIF), Teach First NZ, Incredible Years Teaching (IYT).…
Research related to parents, whānau and families, home-school partnerships, and the community in general.…
Monitoring the schooling system, international comparisons, funding schools, research on school networks, and transitioning between schools.…
Research on curricular and specific subjects within the curricula.…
Research on digital learning in education and learning using information and communication technology.…
Research and data from the large school focussed international studies, namely, PISA, PIRLS, TIMSS, TALIS, ICCS.…
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