Tertiary summary tables
Latest statistics related to participation in tertiary education for providers. Other information on providers can be found elsewhere in tertiary statistics.
Selected characteristics of tertiary education students and providers
Data includes participation in tertiary education, qualification completion, operating revenue and surplus by provider. Other information on students and providers can be found elsewhere in tertiary statistics.
Provider SummaryUpdated: August 2024
Statistics on enrolments, completions and EFTS by different characteristics for each provider. e.g. provider, by subsector, enrolment type, EFTS and completions for both international and domestics students.
- Provider summary [MS Excel 83kB]
Learners SummaryUpdated: August 2024
Statistics on enrolments, EFTS, completions and rates related to course completions, qualification completions, attrition and higher level progression by different characteristics on all learners.
- Learners summary [MS Excel 72kB]